Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No More Excuses!

The gym at Sahara Club, Kuwait

The word some people fear, others dread, and many avoid. Forget that image that popped into your mind when you first read that word; exercising doesn’t have to be such a terrorizing matter. YOU are in charge. Make it what YOU want it to be! 

Customize it

Some people may be satisfied with a tough workout at the gym, while some may prefer an outdoors activity with a group. Whatever it is you find best suits you, the main focus is that you are working your body while enjoying it. It will be a bit challenging at first, don’t give up- if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!

Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • ·      Brisk walks
  • ·      Aerobics
  • ·      Pilates
  • ·      Bicycling
  • ·      Squash

Bring it home

For those of you who still seem to come up with excuses to avoid exercising, think again! Too busy to go to the gym? Traffic as issue?  Well, I’m happy to inform you that you don’t need to worry anymore. Thanks to Wii Sport, order now, you can bring the outdoors indoors to the comfort of your own home!

Here's a video of how you can be more active at home.

I really hope I tackled all of your hesitations. If anyone needs help or is unsure which form of exercise best fits them, just include your problem in the Comments section and I’d love to help! Don’t forget to share your feedback and stories regarding your accomplishments, either!

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Fill out this survey to find out.

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